3rd Edition - Accessory - Banned from evil(Web enhancement), Rpg, D&D 3ed
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Requires the use of the Dungeons
And Dragons
PlayerÕs Handbook,
Third Edition, published by Wizards
of the Coast.
Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. (AEG)
is an awa r d -winning industry leader in the
collectible card game, roleplaying game,
and miniatures game categories. AEG
d evelops and publishes popular
game-based entertainment
products, including:
Wa rl o rd :
Saga of the Storm, Legend of
the Five Rings, 7th Sea,
D o o m town, Farscape, Series Arc h e r,
and the
Clan Wa r
miniatures game.
For more information on AEG,
visit the companyÕs we b s i t e
w w w. a l d e ra c . c o m .
Au t h o rs : A. A. Ac eve d o ,
Peter Flanagan,
M i ke Leader
A rt Director & Pro j e c t
M a n a g e r : jim pinto
E d i t o r : Andrew Gett i n g ,
jim pinto
G raphic Design:
M a rk Jelfo
I l l u s t ra t i o n :
Jason Engle
The Order of the Shining Palm is yet another of these sickening societies of heroes that fights the forces of ev i l
on the flimsiest of justifications. Like most such orders, the Shining Palm has a focus Ñ in their case, opposing ev i l
w i e l d e rs of magic. During the rise of a powerful evil wizard, the band of adve n t u r e rs who dedicated themselves to
stopping him had some magical abilities of their own. After killing the wizard and looting his towe r, they decided
to settle down. But as time passed, they decided to cleanse the stolen tower and claim it as their base of operations.
T h ey further appointed themselves the guardians of magic use and consider it their duty to stop anyone who uses
magic for evil purposes.
Their supporters would no doubt object to any denigration of the order, touting their scrupulous inve s t i g a t i o n
into the purported evil. The fact remains that evil-aligned wielders of magic, arcane or divine, are in danger from
this order. Once the Shining Palm recognizes someone as an evil wizard or cleric, they are relentless in their pur-
s u i t .
I r o n i c a l ly, they themselves are dedicated to magic. All members must be able to cast spells, even if only the most
minor cantrips or orisons. Rangers may join once they have reached the appropriate level, while paladins receive
a special dispensation due to their ability to heal by
l aying on hands.
Multiclass characters with the ability to cast
spells are also welcome to join. They accept those of any non-evil alignment, but members tend toward neutral
g o o d .
The orderÕs sole source of income is donations. Te c h n i c a l ly, members never charge for their services, though a
reasonable donation is expected from those they aid. What is reasonable is determined roughly by the wealth of
those aided and the price paid by the Shining Palm in their own efforts. In addition, members are encouraged,
though not required, to give generously from any booty taken in the course of their duties. Though the order has
n ever lacked for money, their methods have caused those who dislike them to derisive ly nickname them Ã’the Order
of the Holy Handout.Ó
This unholy order is known for its ferocity and zeal.
U n f o r t u n a t e ly, itÕs not known for strategy, or any sort
of real goals for that matt e r. As when they firs t
appeared, they tend to ride into town, grab all the grog,
g i rls and gold they can, and ride out to enjoy their ill-
g o tten gains. More of a nuisance than anything else,
t h ey still spout a strange religious creed as they raid
v i l l a g e s .
Once, howeve r, they were a much greater menace.
T h ey were the Blood-Red Blades at first, and they
just took what they pleased. Town guards were quite
capable of handling them, and a few villages planned to
band together to scatter the brigands. Then Belas
BorÕjon, a powerful and charismatic lawful evil cleric,
came and preached to them. He managed to convert the
lot of them to his doctrine of the strong enslaving the
weak, and they became a much more effective fighting
force. They terrorized entire counties, ravaging cities
and gaining control of other gangs. Some feared that
BorÕjon would turn them into a true army and carve out
a kingdom for himself.
U n f o r t u n a t e ly for the Blades, their leader wa s
t r a c ked down and killed by a skilled team of bounty
h u n t e rs. Since then, they Õ ve lost control of the gangs
t h ey dominated and fallen to a more manageable size.
Though they still remember some of what BorÕjon
taught them, theyÕre no longer a real threat to the
r e g i o nÕs stability.
T h ey are currently chaotic evil as a general rule,
though their religion is neutral evil with orderly ten-
dencies. They bemoan the loss of their glory days ,
while ignoring most of the discipline that their reve r e d
Belas BorÕjon instilled in them. They drink, they scream
obscenities, they deface buildings and they grab wh a t-
ever strikes their fancy, if the town guard doesnÕt drive
them off firs t .
On the other hand, it wo u l d nÕt take much for some-
one with brains, charisma and drive to restore disci-
pline to these losers, turning them into something to
fear once moreÉ
vanishes into the shadows or underbrush, which will
a l ways be nearby for one of her ambushes. While she
i s nÕt a significant threat to powerful villains, less ex p e-
rienced ev i l d o e rs should beware her skill and cunning.
It isnÕt just her unintended meddling that drive s
villains to distraction, howeve r. A wizard with a lot of
tricks up his sleeve or a heav i ly armed paladin wo u l d
be bad enough, but at least those are heroes with seri-
ous firepowe r. Laris is armed with a strap of leather,
some rocks, and the clothes on her back. ItÕs not
just infuriating to be thwarted by the woman Ñ itÕs
i n s u l t i n g.
Pe rhaps the most maddening thing about her inter-
ference, howeve r, is that itÕs rarely premeditated. She
wa n d e rs aimlessly, trusting her
k h a r m a
to guide her to
evil she has the power to right. It may not be kharma,
but something seems to put her in the path of those
who would rather not have wandering wo u l d - b e
heroes interfering with them. And of course, like so
m a ny heroes, she wo nÕt just throw a few rocks and
m ove on. Once sheÕs come across the plans of an ev i l
force, she wo nÕt stop until sheÕs either thwarted their
plans, or found someone who can. She has absolutely
no delusions about her abilities, and
w i l l
find more
p owerful heroes to defeat more powerful villains. ItÕs
happened before, and it will happen again if villains
who cross her path are unwa ry.
Laris Mot i : Human Mnk 3; SZ M (humanoid); HD
3d8+6; hp 23; Init +2; Spd 40 ft.; AC 15; Atks Unarmed
+3 (1d6); SA Unarmed strike (flurry of blows), stunning
attack, evasion, deflect arrows, fast movement, still mind;
AL LG; SV Fo rt +5, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 12, Dex 15, Con
14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10. Skills: Balance +8, Hide +8,
Jump +5, Move Silently +8, Swim +5, Tumble +8. Fe ats :
Dodge, Mobility, Weapon Focus (unarmed).
Gaheris wa s nÕt going to be a spellcaster. He wa s
going to join the town guard, like his father and his
father before him. Fate, is seems, had other ideas.
During his training, the city guard found a sorcerer
stealing gold from a local merchant. The thief then led
the guard on a merry chase, frying several of them with
magic missiles.
When Gaheris showed up, he thought he
was dead, but the
magic missiles
just stopped, blocked by
his accidentally cast
s h i e l d .
Gaheris then returned fire,
not knowing how he did it, perforating the sorcerer.
While he wa s nÕt happy about this development at
f i rst, except for killing the sorcerer-thief, it was soon
decided that he would indeed join the town guard.
Magical threats often need magical solutions, and
Laris is a wandering, heroic monk in the classic style.
While she may not be particularly bright, she is ve ry
much in tune with her surroundings and has already
become adept at vanishing quickly from sight. She
chooses her fights carefully, as sheÕs young and her
training is incomplete. She strikes from surprise and
Gorin Fa l c o n - E ye : Human Rgr 16; SZ M (humanoid); HD
16 d 10 + 48; hp 157; Init +4; Spd 30 ft.; AC 21 (Dex +4,
+4 studded leather armor
); Atks
+2 longswo rd, +2 short-
s wo rd
+ 18 / + 13/+8/+3 (1d8+4, 1d6+4), or
+5 longbow
+ 20 / + 15 / + 10/+5 (1d8+5); SA Spells; favo red enemies :
a b e r rations +4, giants +3, dragons +2, magical beas ts
+1; SQ
boots of speed, cloak of the bat, eyes of the eagle,
q u i ver of Ehlonna
(with effective ly limitless
ke e n
a r rows ) ,
armor of silent moves ;
SV Fo rt +13, Ref +9, Will +9;
Str 15, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 13; AL NG.
Skills: Animal Empat hy +6, Climb +9, Concentration +4,
C raft (bowmaking) +5, Handle Animal +6, Heal +5,
Hide +23, Intuit Direction +9, Knowledge (nat u re) +6,
L i s ten +7, Move Silently +14, Pro f ession (cooking) +5,
Ride +7, Search +4, Spot +23, Swim +3, Use Rope +9,
Wi l d e r n ess Lore +23. Fe ats: Far Shot, Improved Critical
( l o n g b ow), Improved Two -Weapon Fighting, Point Blank
S h ot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Track, Two -We a p o n
Fighting, Weapon Focus (longbow). Spells:
(3) 1st:
e n tangle, pass without trace, speak with animals (3) 2nd:
c u re light wounds, detect evil, snare; (2) 3rd: control plants,
plant growth; (2) 4th: freedom of movement, polymorph self.
Liserra is renowned far and wide for her healing
gifts, and for the aid she provides to Gorin, her hus-
band. She is loved even more widely than Gorin and
has friends among the people, animals and plants
around and throughout the forest. Liserra is quite capa-
ble of defending the forest herself with her powe rs .
For all that, sheÕs still the easiest way to force Gorin
to back off. Anyone who has Liserra can hold him at
b ay, at least until he rescues her. Killing her, on the
other hand, turns the
e n t i re
forest against you. SheÕs far
more comfortable healing than killing, and most of her
combat spells are designed to lose a purs u e r.
Therein, of course, lies the rub. She has many spells
that make an att a c kerÕs life miserable. Even if a villain
is able to catch her outside the forest, her shape chang-
ing abilities make it easy for her to lose purs u e rs quick-
ly. Once she reaches woodlands, her powe rs make her
almost uncatchable.
On the other hand, allowing Gorin and Liserra to
wo rk together to oppose evil forces is almost suicidal.
The situation requires someone subtle, cunning and
r u t h l e s s .
L i s e r ra the Kind: Half-elf Dru 14; SZ M (humanoid); HD
14 d 8 + 14; hp 71; Init +1; Spd 30; AC 20 (Dex +1,
+ 2
leather armor, winged shield
); Atks Club +10/+5 (1d6 or
by form); SA Spells, Immune to
s l e e p
spells, +2 save vs .
e n c h a n t m e n ts, lowlight vision, elven blood, nat u re sense,
Gorin Falcon-Eye is a legendary ranger. ItÕs said he
can spot a gnat in a rainstorm, hide in an open field on
a sunny day, and put an arrow through a humming-
birdÕs eye at a hundred paces. This isnÕt entirely inac-
c u r a t e .
Once, the forest he calls home was controlled by
r a i d e rs and thieves of all sorts. Gorin, already a moder-
a t e ly accomplished ranger, took his bow and his animal
friends into the forest. When he emerged, there was no
trace of the raiders. Since then, Gorin has sworn to
keep the forest free of ev i l .
A ny evil force trying to pass through his forest is in
for a rough time. Gorin has numerous lowe r- l eve l
r a n g e rs wo rking with him, and practically eve ry plant
and animal is his friend. The great eagles often help
his rangers move quickly about the forest, and Gorin
can reach nearly any area of the forest quickly. His
wife Liserra is a formidable druid, and he has no
qualms about surprise attacks. Gorin feels no need for
f l a m b oyant heroics, only success.
Gaheris has plenty of firepower to bring down against
most low- l evel arcane criminals.
The guardÕs resident sorcerer is still not entirely
h a p py about the situation, but the likeable Gaheris is
popular with the other guards, and many people in his
home city owe him their lives. So Gaheris enjoys his
position in most ways, and takes out his frustration in
not being a ÒnormalÓ guard on criminals.
Fo r t u n a t e ly for criminals in his town, GaherisÕ magic
comes from force of pers o n a l i t y. HeÕs not the brightest
torch in the castle, making him relative ly easy to
d e c e i ve. On the other hand, if he
d o e s
manage to figure
it out, or if he catches you in the actÉ it doesnÕt take a
genius to see where most of his magic is focused. ItÕs
terrifying to your average thug how much raw powe r
Gaheris can unleash in a short amount of time, and
heÕs not shy about cutting loose.
Gaheris Arknei: Human Sor 5; SZ M (humanoid); HD
5d4; hp 13; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15 (Dex +3,
ring of
p ro tection +2
); Atks Shortspear +2 (1d8); SA Spells,
familiar (we asel); SV Fo rt +1, Ref +6, Will +5; Str 11 ,
D ex 16, Con 10, Int 9, Wis 13, Cha 18; AL NG. Skills:
Bluff +8, Concentration +4, Intimidate +6. Fe ats :
C o m b at Casting, Spell Pe n et ration, Weapon Fo c u s
( s h o rtspear). Spells:
(6) 0: ray of frost, daze, flare ,
disrupt undead, mage hand, read magic; (7) 1st: shield,
magic missile, burning hands; (5) 2nd: flaming sphere ,
s c a re .
C o r e lys of Wendalfell was born almost a thousand
ye a rs ago, deep in elven lands. He grew up in a larg e
noble house and was ve ry affluent in politics and com-
merce. When his son, Marelan, was 85, he joined the
f a m i ly business, traveling over the globe. On one such
exc u rsion, MarelanÕs caravan vanished. Corelys wa s
d e s t r oyed, spending a small fortune seeking answe rs .
He eve n t u a l ly discovered that the caravan traveled into
a town under siege by a vampire named Neros. Half the
t own was burned to the ground during a mighty clash
b e t ween Neros and a band of adve n t u r e rs. When the
dust settled, NerosÕ mansion was destroyed, and the
vampire himself presumed dead. Among the casualties
was the elven caravan, though their bodies were neve r
r e c ove r e d .
C o r e lys returned home to see his front door ripped
off the hinges. He rushed in to see his dead wife at the
feet of his son, now a vampire. Marelan nearly beat his
father to death, breaking his legs. He intended to kill
C o r e lys, but thought it more wicked to leave him alive ,
to suffer.
That was over 600 ye a rs ago. Corelys sold all he
owned. As soon as he could walk again, he began his
hunt for Marelan. Destroying many vampires along the
way, Marelan remains one step ahead, taunting his
f a t h e r.
Co re lys of We n d a f e l l : Elf Ftr 8/Rog 3/Wiz 5; SZ M
( humanoid); HD 8d10 + 16 + 3d6+6 + 5d4+10; hp 111 ;
Init +7; Spd 30 ft.; AC 21 (Dex +3,
b racers of armor +8
) ;
+1 light mace of disruption and dancing
+ 16 / + 11 / + 6
+1 longswo rd
(1d8+5), or ra n g e d
+ 16 / + 11/+6 (
o a t h b ow
1d6); SA Spells, sneak atta c k
+2d6, evasion, uncanny dodge, traps; SV Fo rt +10, Re f
+9, Will +8; Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha
14; AL CG. Skills: Balance +7, Climb +17, Concentrat i o n
+ 7, Decipher Script +6, Disable Device +7, Escape Art i s t
+ 7, Handle Animal +9, Hide +7, Jump +18, Know l e d g e
( va m p i res) +19, Listen +6, Move Silent +8, Ride +21 ,
S e a rch +8, Spellcraft +14, Spot +6, Swim +12 .
Fe ats: Alert n ess, Cleave, Dodge, Expertise, Improve d
I n i t i at i ve, Power Attack, Weapon Fi n esse (light mace),
weapon focus (light mace), weapon focus (longswo rd ) ,
weapon specialization (light mace), We a p o n
S p e c i a l i z ation (longswo rd). Spells:
(6) 0: detect magic,
d e tect poison, disrupt undead, read magic; (4) 1st: dete c t
undead, magic missile, pro tection from evil, shocking gras p ;
(3) 2nd: bullÕs strength, see inv i s i b i l i ty, knock; (2) 3rd :
dispel magic, lightning bolt.
Tila is something of an anomaly. SheÕs a tiny, kind-
hearted thief whoÕs also one of the nastiest fighters
m a ny people know. Stronger than she looks, Tila is
small even for a halfling. She spends much of her time
scrounging for her beggar friends, and steals only from
the most unscrupulous merchants. Unfortunately, this
includes some members of the cityÕs ThievesÕ Guild. As
such, they Õ ve been hunting her for some time. Problem
is, sheÕs also sneaky, deadly, and unpredictable, and
k n ows the city like the back of her hand.
The ThievesÕ Guild has a price on her head. Good
luck collecting it.
Tila Lightfoot : Halfling Rog 5/Ftr 3; SZ S (hu m a n o i d ) ;
5d6+5 + 3d10+3; 50 hp; Init +5; Spd 20 ft.; AC 18
( D ex +5, Size +1,
b racers of armor +2
); Atks
+1 short-
s wo rd
+7 (1d6+2 or 1d4+1), or dart +11 (1d4); SA +2
b o nus to save vs. fear, +1 bonus with thrown we a p o n s ,
sneak attack +3d6, evasion, uncanny dodge; SQ
g o g g l es
of night;
SV Fo rt +6, Ref +11, Will +3; Str 12, Dex 20 ,
Con 13, Int 16, Wis 11, Cha 15; AL NG. Skills: Appra i s e
+5, Balance +10, Bluff +7, Climb +10, Disable Dev i c e
+5, Disguise +5, Gather Information +7, Hide +17,
I n nuendo +2, Jump +10, Listen +7, Move Silently +15 ,
Open Lock +13, Pick Po c ket +15, Search +11, Sense
M ot i ve +4, Spot +3, Swim +4, Tumble +15, Use Magic
D evice +5, Use Rope +8. Fe ats: Combat Re f l exes ,
Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Weapon Fi n es s e
( s h o rt swo rd ) .
animal companions, woodland stride, tra c k l ess ste p ,
resist nat u re Õs lure,
wild shape,
venom immu n i ty, a thou-
sand faces; SQ
boots of elve n k i n d ;
SV Fo rt +10, Ref +5,
Will +13; Str 8, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 19, Cha 17;
AL NG. Skills: Animal Empat hy +13, Concentration +11 ,
Diplomacy +8, Hide +6, Heal +21, Intuit Direction +9,
K n owledge (nat u re) +18, Listen +10, Move Silently +6
( + 16), Pro f ession (cooking) +5, Spellcraft +8, Swim +4,
Wi l d e r n ess Lore +14. Fe ats: Brew Potion, Endura n c e ,
Silent Spell, Still Spell, Track. Spells:
(6) 0: cre a te wa te r,
c u re minor wounds x 3, flare, guidance; (6) 1st: calm ani-
mals, cure light wounds, entangle, magic fang, obscuring
mist, endure elements; (6) 2nd: barkskin, charm person or
animal, heat metal, speak with animals, entangle (silent),
warp wood; (5) 3rd: cure modera te wounds, gre a ter magic
fang, neutralize poison, speak with plants, tree shape
(silent); (5) 4th: control plants, cure serious wounds, sleet
s torm, plant growth (silent), dispel magic; (3) 5th: cure
critical wounds, tree stride, wall of thorns; (3) 6th: gre a te r
dispelling, summon nature Õs ally VI, insect plague (silent);
(2) 7th: heal, control winds (silent, still).
Long ago, there lived men of vast knowledge and
insight. These priests, of a long forg o tten order, accu-
mulated an incredible library of texts and scrolls Ñ
teachings of peace and enlightenment. This library,
p e rhaps the most complete ever gathered, remains a
legend to this day.
Among them, there was a prophet, who foresaw the
coming of a dark tide of war and destruction, a war that
he and his peers would not surv i ve. He warned his
comrades and together they devised a plan to stay the
hand of death. They hid themselves from their enemies,
planning to return when the wa rs were ove r.
T h ey constructed incredible tombs in isolated locales
and secret places, hidden from all but their most loya l
f o l l owe rs. The priests locked away the treasures of
k n owledge and enlightenment within these tombs, and
created intricate traps and safeguards to protect them.
When the war came, the priests cast a powerful rit-
ual, one that would allow them to sleep in suspended
animation until their loyal followe rs rev i ved them.
T h ey would wait for the war to end and protect the
secrets of their order from their enemies.
Their followe rs, howeve r, were unprepared for the
onslaught wrought by the forces of wa r. Dark n e s s
engulfed the land, and the entire order came close to
extinction. All that remains are a scattered few serva n t s
and acolytes. The ritual to restore the priests, the loca-
tion of the tombs, and their secrets were all lost.
N e a rly a thousand ye a rs later, all that remains of the
order is a group that calls itself the Phoenix Conclave .
This secret society of scholars, paladins, priests and
noblemen have come together to resurrect the ancient
order and bring enlightenment back to their people.
T h ey must discover the whereabouts of the lost tombs
and find the ritual to restore the priests. But, hav i n g
d evoted their lives to the cause, they have the time.
ruled wisely, seeking the aid and advise of his brothers
throughout his rule.
G wadd is the first king to become a member of the
Phoenix Conclave. With his vast resources and con-
tacts, the Conclave finally has the support it needs.
This, coupled with the support of his brothers, has pro-
pelled the Conclave to new heights of success.
G wadd is currently positioning for the public reve l a-
tion of the Conclave and its purpose. He is batt l i n g
m i xed feelings on the subject, but feels strongly enough
to continue petitioning the society. Vanoric supports
his position, but Dealand believes that they have a
greater chance of success if the society remains secret.
He fears that, if their enemies learn of the conclave Õ s
existence, they will use their power and influence to
hinder the cause.
G wadd Mere d o : Human Ari 16; SZ M (humanoid); HD
16 d 8 + 32; hp 119; Init +6; Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex ) ;
+3 longswo rd
+ 17 / + 12/+7 (1d8+5); SV Fo rt +9,
Ref +7, Will +13; Str 14, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 12 ,
Cha 16; AL LG. Skills: Diplomacy +9, Gather Informat i o n
+9, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (politics) +11, Know l e d g e
(local) +8, Knowledge (history) +8, Knowledge (wa r-
f a re) +8, Listen +9, Ride +9, Sense Mot i ve +9, Spot +9,
Wi l d e r n ess Lore +8; Fe ats: Dodge, Gre at Fo rt i t u d e ,
M o b i l i ty, Improved Initiat i ve, Iron Will, Leaders h i p ,
Quick Draw.
Vanoric Meredo was a frail, sickly child. He spent
most of his youth in bed, reading and learning from the
priests and councilors who ministered to him. He wa s
a quick study with a clever wit and eager mind. He
became fast friends with the priests, learning all he
could of their ways .
As he grew older, and his health turned toward the
b e tt e r, it was no surprise that Vanoric chose to become
an acolyte in the priesthood. His prior learning and
eagerness propelled him through the initiation cere-
monies and he soon became a full brother, ministering
to the sick and instructing those who had the desire to
learn. Vanoric became an honored and respected mem-
ber of the community, loved by those around him. He
eve n t u a l ly became the high priest of his order after
m a ny ye a rs of serv i c e .
Vanoric was the first of the three Meredo brothers to
become a member of the Phoenix Conclave, learning of
the society from his predecessor, the former high priest
of his order. He was fascinated with the legend of the
G wadd is the oldest of the three Meredo brothers ,
and successor to their fatherÕs throne. As the heir to a
long line of Meredo Kings, Gwadd spent the majority of
his childhood learning the arts of politics, wa r, and
combat. He sat by his fatherÕs side at court, learned
from scholars, and practiced duels with knights. He
was a quiet, observant lad, always kind and generous.
This nature served him well as he began his political
c a r e e r.
As the heir apparent, Gwadd took part in ruling the
kingdom. In time, he became the first counsel to the
king, and was crowned after his fatherÕs death. He
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